Thursday, March 8, 2012

What am I doing here?

Hello internet. You thought that I swore off of blogging forever. Well sorry about your luck. I am here and going to write some thoughts down. After much encouragement from my dear sink hogging husband I am going to give myself a safe avenue to get my thoughts out. I guess I finally agreed because I think it would be good for me to do something with my reflections. This way I might actually remember them for more than 30 seconds. Hopefully this will encourage God's gentle whispers to take root and actually affect my life.

Why Sink Hog you ask?

Well let me start by answering your question with a question. Who the heck are you talking to? The internet is not a real person and you are beginning this blog without any actual intent of anyone reading it.

But seriously, sink hog refers to the very first fight I had as a newlywed. Neither of us are very confrontational so we don't actual "fight" that often, although we often disagree. Let me take a minute to define some terms here. I don't consider it fighting every time you disagree. Fighting means that someone (usually the hot headed wife in this family) loses her cool or his cool. Let me also clarify that I am the world's worst story teller. Notice all of these diversions from the story at hand. I think they are important details. Most people do not.

Moving back to the story. We were newly married and enjoying all the newness of spending every waking and sleeping moment that we were not at work together. Therefore, we would get ready for bed at the same time while we talked and wound down. I grew up in a girl family (two sisters- one two years older and one two years younger with a younger brother that could not trump all the estrogen around him). This means you never were in the bathroom alone. Someone was always brushing her teeth or putting on makeup or taking a shower etc. For this very reason you only stood in front of the sink when ABSOLUTELY necessary. That means when you had to spit the toothpaste foam running down your chin out of your mouth or when you couldn't open your eyes because your face was all lathered up with face wash. Other than those 30 seconds you stepped away from the sink in case someone else happened to be in ABSOLUTE necessity sink/mirror mode.

I feel this is a reasonable and self-understood rule that does not need to be explained. You make a noise like huuuhhh and have toothpaste dangerously close to dripping on the person in front of the sink when it is time to switch. DUH!

Apparently my husband missed this proper sink etiquette in his family. He apparently did not learn how to brush his teeth without letting the toothpaste foam/spit drip out of his mouth the entire two minutes he is brushing. I blame it on those big Slovakian lips. Maybe they are just so heavy alone that adding the toothpaste foam makes them open like a castle drawbridge. I don't know but I had finally had enough of this sink hogging and I momentarily lost my cool one evening and called him a sink hog.

We can laugh about this now...Right honey. You big sink hog you.

Once in confession a priest told me that often times the things that we find most irritating in others are actually our own faults. It actually gets me every time. If I find myself irritated at a person and take 5 seconds to think about it, I am usually either guilty of it myself or trying really hard not to be that way (aeehhm that means it is a struggle of MINE).

So when I am irritated that my husband is a sink hog it is because I am an even bigger sink hog.

Thus my confession.

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